This is a beautiful lesson for all females
Two young ladies arrived at a meeting wearing clothes that were quite revealing their body. The chairman took a good look at them and asked them to take a sit. Then he said something that they might never forget in their life. He looked at them eye to eye and said; "Ladies, everything valuable that God made in this world is well covered and hard to find or get. 1. Where do you find DIAMONDS? Diamonds are down in the ground, covered and protected. 2. Where do you find PEARLS? Pearls are deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in beautiful shell. 3. Where do you find GOLD? Way down in the mine, covered and protected with layers of rocks and hard to get them. You need to work hard and dig deep down to get them. He looked at them with serious eyes and said; "Your body is sacred, valuable and unique" You are far more precious than DIAMOND, PEARL or GOLD, and your body should be covered too. So he added that, if you keep your tr...